Anatoli Rapoport, Purdue University, United States (SCOPUS, Google Scholar, ORCID)
Bulent Tarman, Turan University, Almaty, Kazakhstan (SCOPUS, Google Scholar, ORCID)
Editorial Board
Anita G. Welch, Wayne State University, United States (Google Scholar)
Anatoli Rapoport, Purdue University, United States (Google Scholar, ORCID)
Bekithemba Dube, University of the Free State, South Africa (Google Scholar)
Charles S. White, Boston University, United States (Google Scholar)
Evrim Erbilgin, Emirates College for Advanced Education, UAE (Google Scholar, ORCID, SCOPUS)
John Lee, North Carolina State University, United States (Google Scholar)
Jongwoo Han, Syracuse University, United States (ResearchGate)
Michele Bertani, Department of Human Sciences, University of Verona, Italy (ORCID)
Mohammed K. Farouk, Federal University, Kashere, Nigeria (ResearchGate)
Mustafa Cakir, Marmara University, Turkey (Google Scholar, ORCID)
Oksana Chigisheva, Southern Federal University, Russian Federation (ORCID)
Pedro Tadeu, UDI Polytechnic of Guarda, Portugal (Google Scholar, ORCID)
Teguh Budiharso, Mulawarman University, Indonesia (Google Scholar, ORCID)
Timothy Lintner, University of South Carolina Aiken, United States (Linkedin)
Tulus Suryanto, Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung, Indonesia ( Google Scholar, ORCID)
William B. Russell, University of Central Florida, United States (Google Scholar)